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Paprika is the leading job costing, billing, workflow management and accounting system for creative agencies.
Our fully integrated system helps drive efficiencies, streamline processes, increase profitability and enable agency growth.

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September 21, 2022 • News

Integrated systems vs one integrated system: What’s the difference?

Whilst it certainly started before anyone had heard of COVID-19, during the past year and a half we have only increased our reliance upon a diverse range of tools to manage our tasks, plan our schedules, track our time and manage our financials.  

Tools multiply. As they’ve become a more essential part of our minute-to-minute jobs they’ve also multiplied to meet our different needs.

In our ever-connected world, some software offers APIs to link to every other system that you may be using and if they don’t there are also clever workflow integrators like Zapier, n8n and IFTTT that offer to connect anything to anything.

But as information is diffused it is also diluted, spreading across a multitude of places and systems with the Tools becoming too numerous.

While this may work for a simple model, in the real world replicating versions of the same information in multiple places greatly reduces the certainty that any of them provide the whole story. Worse still, there is a risk that you could end up with false information leading to the wrong decisions.

Where is your single source of truth?

Instead of having your data in separate places spread across different systems (and perhaps even in a patchwork of spreadsheets), wouldn’t it be great to only have one place where everyone knows how and where to find the information they need?

With an integrated system, you have a way to gather and organize all of your data, business processes and teams in a single, integrated platform - making your agency much more efficient.

The ethos of Paprika is a single system that simply captures information as it is generated and delivers it immediately in an appropriate format to where it is needed.

Get a view of your entire agency in one system

Paprika Software works as one integrated solution where everyone shares the same database in real time. Instead of passing information between different systems, Paprika brings all the puzzle pieces together to form the complete picture of your agency.

If you wish to discuss how Paprika can improve your agency’s efficiency, speak to us today.