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July 01, 2021 • News

Expel The Excel: On-demand Job Forecasting Webinar

We prepare forecasts because we want to predict the future. We do this so that we are not surprised by what is coming down the line and we can adapt to turn the future into our best case scenario.

Within a company there’s seldom just one person providing an accurate view of everything that is ahead. In fact, nearly everyone holds a piece of the jigsaw making up the picture of the future that you are trying to envision.

The power of Paprika is in allowing all of your staff to contribute together to build a coherent picture... rather than leaving you with just a pile of pieces. 

"Our Job Forecaster program helps you understand where you are coming from, where you are now and where you are heading to. It will provide you with an idea of what to expect in the future and help you make informed decisions." India Quow, Consultant at Paprika

In this 24min on-demand Forecasting webinar, India will show you the tools available to your team to update the billing and income forecasts for the projects they manage - building together the big picture of the overall health of your business:

  1. Enter, amend, delete Billing and Income forecasts
  2. Create billing & income recognition schedule between Account Managers & Finance
  3. Specify forecast costs in home and foreign currency
  4. Compare your budgets to actuals
  5. Create, save and share views for on-going projects
  6. Accurately manage your spending and know what you can afford
  7. Plan for a variety of scenarios 
  8. Look at historic and real-time data to predict future trends and make informed decisions

See your projected income and expenses, find out your weakest and strongest income streams, and whether any require your close attention.

By giving you the right insights, you can take the necessary steps towards continuous growth. 
