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Unlock the full potential of your agency

With over three decades of experience in the field, a customer base across 20 different countries and capabilities in six different languages, we can tailor your solution to meet the needs of your team and your clients.

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Stime e preventivazione

Risparmia infinite ore sui fogli di calcolo. Crea stime e preventivi accurati in pochi minuti e avrai tutte le informazioni sul budget a portata di mano



Estimating & quotes

Save endless hours of spreadsheets. Create accurate estimates and quotes in a few minutes and have all the budget information at your fingertips


Managing clients & jobs

Simple and intelligent enquiry tools provide a centralised view of clients and projects.  Create and update records quickly with every detail you need, track on-going projects at a glance and manage client relationships effectively


Managing clients & jobs

Simple and intelligent enquiry tools provide a centralised view of clients and projects.  Create and update records quickly with every detail you need, track on-going projects at a glance and manage client relationships effectively


Gestion de Projet & des Clients

Restez organisé. Nos outils de suivi simples et intelligents vous offrent une vue centralisée de vos clients et de vos projets.

Créez et mettez à jour rapidement vos dossiers avec tous les détails dont vous avez besoin. Suivez les projets en cours d'un coup d'œil et gérez efficacement la relation avec vos clients.


Managing clients & jobs

Simple and intelligent enquiry tools provide a centralised view of clients and projects.  Create and update records quickly with every detail you need, track on-going projects at a glance and manage client relationships effectively

United States

Gestión de clientes y proyectos

Las herramientas de consulta, simples e inteligentes, proporcionan una visión centralizada de los clientes y proyectos. Crea y actualiza los registros rápidamente con cada detalle que precises, haz un seguimiento de los proyectos en curso de un vistazo y gestiona eficientemente las relaciones con tus clientes.


Gestione clienti e lavori

Strumenti di indagine semplici e intelligenti forniscono una visione centralizzata di clienti e progetti. Crea e aggiorna rapidamente i record con tutti i dettagli necessari, monitora i progetti in corso a colpo d'occhio e gestisci le relazioni con i clienti in modo efficace.



Managing clients & jobs

Simple and intelligent enquiry tools provide a centralised view of clients and projects.  Create and update records quickly with every detail you need, track on-going projects at a glance and manage client relationships effectively


A single, integrated solution

Paprika is configured to the requirements of your agency today, but is built with the flexibility to scale up functionality and reporting detail when you need to

